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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, February 15, 2009


She cries turbulently and lets a wild roar every once a while. Her voice is like a whisper among the trees and her love is full of devotion. Wondering why the tears have filled her eyes, we gaze upon her beauty. Every droplet of gold is a joy to the plants but a bullet in her heart. Every single minute of the hour, her eyes fill with more tears and the earth is filled with exhilaration. Is it really unbiased to let her suffer? 
No, I am not talking about a real person. This little poem is about the clouds and the tears in their eyes. My mother always says that whenever it's raining outside, she thinks about a lonely teenager who has just broken up with her boyfriend. So, all night long she stays up pouring her depression upon us. However, she loves the rain yet feels sorrow for the lonely teenager who seems to have relationship trouble. I absolutely adore the rain and love the trickling sound it makes as it hits my window. Sometimes, I just want to sit by the window and inhale my various candle fragrances in my room. However, no scent or fragrance can ever measure up to the aroma of the rain. It's absolutely breathtaking and there is no comparison whatsoever. It's like a piece of heaven it being decanted upon us and we are worthy to praise each moment. Even the meteorologist referred to the amount of rain being precipitated as "heavenly and magical." I guess there's something about the clouds' tears that make people feel so comfortable. However being soaked from head to toe during a heavy rainstorm makes the emotion dance away. Then again, a little precipitation never hurt a girl!

1 comment:

MissTrinh said...

Ahaha same here :D

Even though the rain may seem lonely and cold as it is already but it leaves my heart with warmth :D

And the feeling listening to the raindrops is really nice and relaxing.