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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Teachers are the most amazing people in our lives. They are like our second parents because we spend half the day with them. Even on the weekends, we see them around shopping or picking up students. Last time when I saw Mr. Miclette in front of my complex, I was in complete shock. I mean I thought I would never see teachers outside of school that close. He was there picking up a student for a Track tournament and it felt so normal. I felt as if he was my father getting ready to go somewhere. It was really funny because there were no awkward pauses or weird moments. Even when my mother saw him, she just acted as if she had seen him so many times in her life.
Teachers are incredible. I am going to miss some of my teachers but I will definitely see them around next year. However, to Ms. Kirker, who has been one of my idols in life, I am going to miss you so much. You helped me write creatively and opened up a world of imagination for me that I had no dare to dream. Thank you so much for everything; for all the possibilities, for all the encouragements. A thousand Thank yous...

Not sure

So, I am not sure if I am supposed to be blogging still because I have exceeded that amount. Anyways, I am just going to write about this incredible year. First of all, I just wanted to congratulate everybody for stepping one step closer to graduation. There are so many students who won't be able to join us next year but they will forever be in our memories. You are not going far; just someplace where we won't be able to communicate effectively. However, you are still in this world, in this state, in this city or some place real close by. Please remember that no matter what happens, we will see each other again. I have been moving all my life but there has always been this promise in my heart. We will see each other again. No matter how impossible this sounds, it is possible. Some how, some way we will see each other again. This is my promise to anybody who is moving. Do not cry because tears are for those who are departing our lives forever. Tears are not needed because we will see each other again. Let's just make these last four days the best days of our lives.