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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Okay, so I think I have all five posts done for Mr. Thompson's extra credits. Well, hopefully!! However I still have something very interesting to say in today's blog that I think might arrouse your interest.

I have been watching Medium for a few months now and there have been so many questions unsolved in my brain. For those of you who don't know about Medium, it is a movie about a criminal investigator (Patricia Arquette) and her "sixth sense". Everytime she goes to sleep, she dreams about an event that will take place, has taken place, or something that relates to an event. Usually her dreams have something to do with horrific events taking place in Phoenix, Arizona. For example, a crime has taken place and the police have no evidence as to why or how the crime has taken place and there are simply not enough witnesses. She comes home that day thinking about the case and carries on her regular chores. At night she dreams about something and I mean anything that might provide a perfect clue for her in solving mysteries. Sometimes she can even stop an event from taking place. Now, this doesn't at all seem strange to me because my mother is exactly the same way. You might say she's pyschic but she refuses to agree. She can be quite stubborn sometimes. So, anyways, she usually wakes up in the middle of the night and tells me about her dream/nightmare and it's interesting how the exact event takes place. One day when I was little she told me to be careful at school because she had a horrible dream; I would fall down the stairs and break my skull. Well, nothing happened to me that day and I was sure it was the first time my mother was mistaken. However, a few days later, I noticed that my best friend had fallen off the balcony and seriously injured her skull. It didn't exactly happen to me but it was interesting how some of the pieces were replayed. It's funny how everybody in my family dreams a certain dream and somehow it comes true. Most of the time the pieces are found but rarely very very exact. Everybody in my family shares "this gift" except for me! I have never had a dream that made sense, let alone come true. I guess I missed that gene. My great grandmother was considered a witch because some of her "seeings" came true. She dreamt like my mother and warned the townsfolk of certain events that would take place. They, on the other hand, believed that it was a sin to see into the future. Caught up in their jealousy, they certainly did not want to believe that God had given her such an incredible gift.


MissTrinh said...

Oh I watch a drama similar to the one your watching :D

But he touches the dead object and he gets images with then he use to solve the crime :D

Lorita said...

OH, wow that sounds interesting and kind of similar to Medium.