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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Movies

I absolutely adore Christmas movies!!!! Jack Frost and It's a Wonderful Life are the kinds of movies that never seem to rust away. Every year, you are absorbed into watching them about fifty times. I have seen these movies so many time, I feel like I have memorized all the lines. It's a Wonderful Life is the kind of movie that should be watched by every adult, child, and elder in the world. If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend you do. Just a quick summary though to arouse your interest in the movie; It's a Wonderful Life is about a depressed middle aged man named George Bailey. George is living in a town that has suffered great ordeals but is respected by many. Every body in the town loves him because he has touched their lives in a very meaningful way. So, one day George's uncle (an old, forgetful man) loses a sum of money that is very important for the bank they own. George goes crazy and wishes a wish that is sometimes thought of by many people during their troubled times. "I wish I was never born" and decides to kill himself. His guardian angel from above is sent to show him the world without his presence. As a matter of fact, it turns out to be a horrible story. The small quiet town that he once knew was now the center of chaos. Worst of all, his wife no longer knew him! The woman that he loved with all his heart and knew ever since he was little was gone. Now, the ending of the story is even more touching but I'll let you be the judge.


MissTrinh said...

I found a classic Christmas video that I was going to plan to watch. My dad wanted to watch it in November xD

So I think I will watch that. I had it for so long but I never got to watch it ever :O

I am the opposite of you I love to spend my time listening to Christmas music by my favorite artist all day long and not do anything xD

Is it a sad movie [enough to make people cry] 'It's a Wonderful Life'
Or it is just touching like just sad and you feel pity for them :D

Burt said...

I've never seen that movie completely before, though I did catch the last 2 minutes of it on Saturday morning. Still, I have a feeling the end's probably better than any of the movies coming out for Christmas this year...

Lorita said...

Rachel, It's a Wonderful Life is like a sad movie at first looking at his life and how much struggle he has been through. However, at the end it just touches you so emotionally. The movie's funny too.