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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thank you

Giving. A magical word that can save thousands of lives and rescue even more. It always feels good to give back to your community and watch the smiles on their face. Every can, every dollar, and every cloth, helps a child no matter where he/she lives or what condition they are in. I would love to see millions of cans of food in a pantry just waiting to save a little girl in Morocco or a little boy in Iraq. We all know that world hunger is a crisis that every man and every woman must be involved in in order to decrease the statistics. So, please do your part by donating food to your nearest food bank. Not only does it feel good to share your lunch, but it actually makes a difference. I, myself, sometimes buy cans from a grocery store and do not feel like I've made that much of a difference in anybody's life. However, handing the cans of food to the lady behind the counter in the food bank, I can hear the words again. "God bless you!" "Thank you very much!" "You have helped us by getting closer to ending world hunger." Isn't that a splendid feeling? I don't know about you but my tears turn into tears of joy when I hear these words in one's mouth. Please remember to do your part! Share your lunch and help us by getting a step closer to ending this pandemic crisis. And for those who have taken the time to donate their meal, I would like to thank you for your donations.

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