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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Well, I just wanted to wish every mother a happy Mother's Day. I hope everybody is spending time with his/her mother. Also, helping them by cleaning the house or just waiting for them hand and foot. Unfortunately, my mother is working all day today! So, I am just going to clean our room and make her favorite dinner. Then when she comes home, she can just relax while I serve her the whole entire time. 
Mothers. Mothers are beautiful, kind, supportive, amazing, great, and every other word in the book. They are the wind beneath your wing, the apple of your eye, and the smile on your face. Sometimes I may fight with my mother but it's only for my sake. "Just the good of the family," she says. My family and I are her everything no matter what takes place in life. Life is difficult as it is but her support and kindness is beyond miraculous. The world is a scary place but her smile melts all the worries away. I love her and I just wanted to take the time to say this. My mother is my everything. Fights are common in my family but in the end of the day, everything works out. All we have to do is to look in each other's eyes and we both know what to say next. "I am sorry." 
That's all it takes.

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