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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Sleep. What is sleep? I mean when you close your eyes your mind begins to drift away and all your thought, worries, and even burdens just fly by like it was never there. It's like going to the doctor and receiving a vaccine. You know when the needle hits your skin but you don't really know what happens. You feel the pain when it is on your skin but you don't feel anything else afterwards. I believe that sleeping is almost the same situation. You feel like you are tired and begin to close your eyes. However, you don't know when you are in "sleep mode" and your soul is relaxing. Everytime I wake up in the morning, I try to remember how I fell asleep and why it took so long. Why is it that you can't hear certain things when you are sleeping but you are programmed to wake up when you hear the alarm go off? See, in my case, I am a very heavy sleeper. Nothing wakes me up except for the alarm and maybe a sudden movement of my mattress. In other words, when there is an earthquake or somebody shakes me violently. In fact, once my apartment was kind of on fire but it didn't fully burn down anything. The stove was on and my grandmother accidently left the towel right next to the stove. So, the towel caught on fire and I was asleep. The whole house was filled with smoke but I did not smell anything except when my mother woke me up.
It's funny how we are sleeping but we don't really know it! I mean we do but not in the moment.


Thompson said...

The thing is, sometimes even when it's my alarm my subconscious will incorporate it into my dream- like I'll be making a phone call and the beeping is just a busy signal... or if my radio alarm's on, someone in my dream will just break into song without warning.

Lorita said...

Oh, that is so true! Once I had this dream about running away and then all of a sudden I hear this distant beeping which grows louder and louder. Then all of a sudden somebody tells me to wake up. Sometimes that happens!!!