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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, October 26, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Halloween is quite intriguing! 
It's a fascinating time of year when every child on earth dresses up in costumes and visits every house for trick-or-treat. Well, that's part of the story! Halloween is also the time of year for scary stories. That's a great excuse for my cousins to scare the "you know what" (I read this sentence from an article) out of me. Today, I was sitting down trying to watch a movie with my mom and I feel somebody creeping up on me. I knew it was my cousin but I am still scared. Now, before I go further on with my story, I just want tell you that I get easily scared. I get scared so quickly and start screaming on top of my lungs. So, anyways I am watching the "Exorcism of Emily Rose" and he begins to chant uncontrollably. Well, I didn't care and allowed him to go on with his chants. UGH. So, anyways, my mom turns around and she freezes. Her face turns white and I quickly turn around. BOOOOOOOOOOOO was what he said with a devil's mask on his face. Now, you know what my expression was at that right instant. Watching a scary movie and having an obnoxious cousin who takes advantage of this moment was well, scary for me. So, that was my day today and I started crying! Good days....
We'll see who will have the last laugh when somebody steals all his chocolate on Friday. Oh, I am not that mean; or maybe! 

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