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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Friday, March 6, 2009


Remember me

When you walk down the hall.
When you see the light from above.
When you cherish each moment,
by the fire, by the moonlight, by the sun.
Take the time to remember me.

Listen to the wind's whisper.
Crawling through your skin 
and wiping away the fear.
Listen to the ocean and take
her words to your grave.
The secrets nature shares is 
worth remembering.
So, take the time to remember her.

A teardrop on her hands and a needle
in her heart.
A forgotten mistake and a lie 
stronger than the mountain.
A cherished lover whose only decision 
is to take away ones life.
To destroy everything,
To kill everything,
and to erase all doubts.

It's easy to forget
but it's easier to remember.
Remember all the fear, 
all the pain, all the struggle,
all the tears.
A whisper in the wind but a 
shout in the heart.
A curse or a whisper.
It's a decision worth taking.

So, remember me for I am 
your savior and your guider.
Take the time to listen to me
and the take the time to lean on me.
I have the answers and you have the weapon.

Please take the time to remember me...


DanielleTravers said...

This is beautiful Lorita. I actually read this a few days ago when I was feeling really down and it brought a little light to my situation. Thank you so much for this. If I'm not mistaken, is it sort of like a poem written through god's spirt??

Lorita said...

Yes, exactly!! I didn't mean to sound too religious but all my poems are written through god's spirit. There's a beautiful song that I listen to and in the lyrics it says, "Jesus, remember me when you go into your kingdom." So, this poem is kind of like the song. I think that the song would go great with your angelic voice.

DanielleTravers said...

Aww that's really nice. I'm one that instead of writing through his spirit, I sometimes get an image that I jot down and sketch out later. Aww you're soo sweet! I miss singing in my choir. I used to be on the worship team, but I stopped singing because it got to be too much for me. That's one of my passions though! I take it one of yours is to write? :)