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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Family lessons

Some body once said, "life is a garden, dig it". You know as much as I agree with that quotation, I can't help but wonder what life really is. Now, I know it is impossible to answer this question but I think that life is about getting back up on the horse no matter what happens. Your life and opinions are yours and no body can take that away from you. I hate hate having to hear somebody convince you of something you don't want to believe in. You have your own thoughts and if people start to persuade you to do something, then they are just molding you into a robot.
You have to understand that we, human beings are special in a very unique way. Each of us have talents that we are proud of, some more than others. However, we are raised to have to think for ourselves when we are an adult. My mother always said, you are the mirror. Whatever somebody tells you, it will reflect who they are not what they think of you. What I am trying to say is that our world is made up of people who have thoughts for themselves. Nobody is the same. Nobody thinks the same as others. This is what makes us unique. We are not raised to listen to other people and do as they say. So why would you try to expostulate others opinions. It's theirs and they have something to say about a specific issue. If somebody were to express their opinions and you felt as if it was provincial, would you attack them? You know, I certainly would but it makes me look like a coward. Like I am the ruler and if I say something, it should be done and heard. However, if you talk about the issue and simply ask the person what they meant and what they are trying to say, chaos will not arise. In fact, the only reason people get into fights is because they misunderstand their opponent. Words come out of us like water from a waterfall. Sometimes we can't control what we say.
Now, family is very similar to this dilemma. They try to brainwash their kids with comments that might hurt the child in the long run. However, I grew up to follow the Bible, not others opinions. I do as the Bible says and I forever will follow this route. Now, there are many of you out there who have a religion and follow this basic routine. I am not a robot and I believe that people are not my "God". I believe in the greater good and his way matters more to me. 


Carman said...
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Christine said...

This sounds a lot like a response to my blog, even if it's not. If you had read mine, Lorita, I want you to know that I was not referring to you as an ignorant person. I understand that you can't change how you grew up. I'm going to post another blog about this and explain further.

Lorita said...

Thanks Christine,
I understand what you are referring to and it's so true. We are all brainwashed because of our cultures. Sometimes we need to have our own opinions and think about the issues more clearly.

Carman said...

I do not think that listening to other people's opinions can ever be considered brainwashing, but just as your parents influenced your life to follow a religion, other people are influenced to think in other wise. And if someone's thoughts are provincial then of course you should say something, but not in a way that could be considered as an attack. Because they have gotten there chance to speak and now you are getting yours. Some of what you said is true though, about how you people do not always say what they mean. Although, I do believe that people can be the most honest when they blurt things out without that prior thought of "what is everyone going to think about what I just said." You can never be afraid to express your opinion as long as your are not sharing that opinion to hurt another intentionally. If someone really cares about what they are talking about they can possibly be offended. You can sorry for offending someone, but never say sorry for what you said unless you truly did not mean it.

Lorita said...

Yes, I understand what you are saying universal thinker. It is so true and thank your for your comment.

Thompson said...

Well done, Lorita. I think you may have the record thus far for correct use of vocabulary words in a post. I hope you're doing alright. I've been thinking about you.

Quoc said...

Ok! If Mr.Thompson see my comment, he will say bad grammar but I try my best. Lorita, some of what u say is very true. Religion is one thing that make people nervous the most to talk about it. As I can understand how you feel about this because I'm a very open person. >.< Sometime people talk in an innuendo and so because of that people misunderstand what each other say(I don't know if I have use the word innuendo right) but sometime listen to other people opinion and thought will transcend your thought and opinion to the next level(which is good). As you say before, some people have a provincial way of thinking and you are right. Sometime people talk in a petulant tone but try to listen to what they say and think about it. If it good for you or they just try to expostulate you for your own good. I know how you alway stressed out but try to be assuage at everything that coming at you.