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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Sunday, January 10, 2010


It hurts me to think that I have no future.
That my dreams are done.
That there is somebody whose dreams are remembered.

Why me?
Why must I be tortured?
Why must I be scarred?
Why must I be so depressed in life?

What have I done to deserve this?
Who have I sinned against?
Why am I being tortured?
Where did it all begin?
When will the pain proceed away from me?

Guess for now I'll just be mourning.
Because when you are in my shoes, you will never smile.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Every time I stare at the moon,
I see a sad girl.
Every time I stare out at the ocean,
I see a lost girl trying to find her way back home.
Every time I sit in my room,
I hear the cries of my own soul.
Every time I see a child in need,
I see my heart broken even more.
And every time I talk,
I hear the moans of a dying child.

What must one do when dreams are crashed in front of you?
What must one do when you see the one you love gone forever?
What must one do when nothing is going right?
When depression is at its all-time high
when nothing is going right
when you are not loved
when nobody cares for you.

What must I do when my life is in pain and agony
You can mend my broken heart no matter how much you try
but i will forever be scarred.
No matter what you try to do
I will open these wounds
I will tear up the shield
I will strip any means of protection

Call me selfish
call me annoying
call me reckless
call me crazy

But when nothing is going right
you will see me in the reflection of your mirror
and then you will say
I was right.