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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Monday, September 29, 2008

Take it away

You know, some days I can't help but ask myself why the world can be so unfair? Not like I don't know this fact or anything but sometimes it hits me really hard. Why is it that sometimes rivalry has no end or even a beginning? Why does it seem like I am screaming but nobody is ever listening to me? These are just a few questions I ask myself when I am just emotionally drained. Today was one of those days and I hate everything that went on. It's just so incredible how a bad day can turn out to be an even worse day. Wow! I am so mad right now, my thoughts and emotions have taken over my hand. I am typing but I feel like I am not really typing. Boy, do I sound crazy right now. But, seriously when I read some of my fellow classmates' blogs about how their day was, I am just amazed. Some people feel like they are in the midst of a crisis while other people are just making it through another "good" day. Not to bring anybody down or anything but why is life so unfair? I am asking this question so many times but I really don't have an answer so why keep repeating it. This just goes to show you that some questions will NEVER have an answer no matter how many times somebody is willing to repeat it. Can you believe that I hear this question over 3 times a day from not just my family but also friends?

My So-called Life OR My Wonderful Life

Today, when we were watching "My So-Called Life", I had a really huge lump in my throat. Angela apologized to her mother about her behavior and started crying in her mother's arms. I connected with her for a moment because I always run to my mother when I am feeling sad or depressed. Sometimes when all else fails, mothers are always there to protect and guide you no matter what. Mr. Thompson pointed out that during the scene when Angela came into her mother's room, "It's a Wonderful Life" was playing in the background and I immediately noticed which scene it was. It was the scene where Zuzu (Karolyn Grimes) was showing her father the the rose she won at school that day. She had caught a cold because she had unbuttoned her jacket, on her way home, in order to keep the rose safe. You know how kids are when they receive something special. They just have to keep their possession secure no matter what the consequence may be. Anyways, George Bailey and Zuzu had a father-daughter moment together and it kind of reflected the relationship between Angela and her mother. There is sometimes a gap between them but one way or another, in times of turmoil, they have the closest relationship with one another. This just goes to show you that people never care about their family members until something tragic happens. I mean you love your family and all but you don't feel as close to them. Angela had been attacked by some men and she came home, realizing that her mother was just trying to protect her by keeping a close eye on her. I love my mother but I sometimes forget to mention the fact that "I love her" unless something, good or bad, has taken place. It's really touching!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Ahhh, music! What is it about music that makes people want to dance, makes people want to sing out loud, and makes people want to listen to it. Music is an attention getter and so amazing! A study done in Harvard University stated that people tend to listen to any kind of music and most of the time, the lyrics are not so important. In fact, rhythm makes people want to listen to the music and then be attracted to the lyrics. Whenever I listen to a foreign song, I usually tend to look out for the rhythm and then maybe listen in for the lyrics. Music plays a very important role in our lives and it is a beautiful form of art. Wherever you travel to, music is different but each kind of genre of music has many similarities. Their lyrics might be different, or the beat to their music might be foreign but one thing's in common with all of them. They are trying to relate to our everyday emotions. Rock tends to relate to the wild side of our emotion while jazz relates to our calm and serene limit. Tell me fellow classmates; what kind of music relates to you and how does it make you feel? I am very interested to know how music plays such an important role in all of our lives.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A superior king? Creon

Like any great and strong leader, Creon feels as though his city should be blessed by the god's. So to achieve this goal, he must make sure the god's are not angry with his country whatsoever. With him in power, the law should not be broken. "I will never hold my tongue if I see that our city is in harm's way! Nor will I ever make friends with an enemy of Thebes. Because I know one thing absolutely: that our safety relies on us traveling upon a steady ship. Only then can we make friends. It is by these laws that I will hold our city strong." As you can see, Creon is a man of valour and gratified leader. He knows that it is his duty to keep the country away from mischief and into a serene environment. When Creon mentioned ship, I immediately remembered a quote that my teacher used a long time ago when we were graduating sixth grade. She said that "life is a ship and we travel along steadily" when all is calm. However, when calamity strikes in the ship all goes fallocious. This shows us that Creon is a man of honor and pride. He knows that it is his duty to keep the city from danger and all else wrong taking place within the city. Our safety relies on us traveling upon a steady ship. Creon also sounds like a mother telling her children that she cares for her children no matter what. Creon sounds like a very caring and protective mother risking her life for the only people she loves. Nor will I ever make friends with enemies that tell us about how he won't be friends with wrongdoers and people who have no mercy for their country.
Also, I think that Creon is a very obedient man. Since Polynecies has wronged his country, Creon feels that he should be punished for his behavior. It's true that his punishment is imprecise but he feels that no matter what happens people should be safe. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Sometimes you wake up in the morning and ask yourself, "do I have to get up?" I ask this question myself everyday but sometimes I feel like "do I have to get up?" from life. You know, many people always ask themselves if there's an afterlife. If there was an afterlife, then it would mean that we are still sleeping? In other words, we are living life as if we are sleeping. When you sleep, you dream and the dreams you have sometimes feel like reality. Whenever I am awakened from a nightmare, I always ask myself "wow, that felt so real?" Don't you feel this way too?
So, anyways, all I am saying is that if there really is an afterlife, then is life really a dream. Some people refer to life as being a nightmare. I refer to life as a lecture or lesson. Some day when we leave the earth, we are bound to be somewhere whether your religion believes this or not. How is it possible to live your life freely and know that some day it's going to over? I know that this it is too early to think about death but you never know. (sorry to bring you down but I am just really interested to hear your opinions about life and even life after death.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oedipus: fake or reality?

When I was reading Oedipus today, Mr. Thompson told us about how guys had sort of like a crush on their mothers. That's very interesting because it kind of explains our society in a eerie fashion. You see, if guys become attracted to their mothers, they are more likely to grow up and marry somebody/anybody. Men are always the "leaders" since the beginning of time. If they are not attracted to women then how will they approach each other. In other words, how will our society increase in numbers if men are not fruitful (there's a mature way of stating the obvious). 
This interesting fact that I came up with leads to my overall point. Today especially, there were more "ewwws" being heard in the crowd. The reason why is because we learned that Oedipus married his mother. That's beyond lurid!!! I mean, if this took place in our world today it would be disgusting and in fact the law would have something to say about it too. However, this lesson was not a shock for me. My mother has always lectured me on Greek mythology as well as the Roman laws. Back in the time, people believed that family are the only people who really understand you and have no eye for your money. Well, this is true in some cases. So, what they would do was marry their siblings or parents. Especially royal families. They believed that other people like peasants, or maybe lower class men were covetous for their prosperity. Did you know that Hera, Zeus' wife was so in love with her own son, Hercules, that she tried to kill him? Wow, what a good mother!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

An untold lie

"Betrayal can only happen if you love"
- John Le Carré, A Perfect Spy

This poem I wrote was a few years ago when we had a poetry contest in my elementary school. Our teacher told us how we felt about lies or rumors. Well, I decided to interpret lies with that of a lover. This poem is about two people in love but have hidden secrets from one another. She loves him but needs to let go and he loves another but can't let her go.

My heart is a butterfly.
My heart is a leaf.
Both trembling as the wind moves it so.
You are my wind and I am the leaf.
I breathe but it's hard to release from here and beyond.
It breaks my heart to see you lost, to see you weak, to see you cry, but I can't.
I can't sympathize your loss, I can't feel your pain, I can't listen to your agony.
It's difficult, you see, to let go like a child and her favorite toy.
Your smile makes me weak and your tears make me flee.
I have pain in my heart that of a blade piercing the heart.
I must move on without your devotion,
I must move on without your comfort,
without your kiss and without your blessings.
You told me you loved me,
You told me you needed me;
Was is it all a lie?
She awaits by the church, draped in heavenly gowns and awaits her knight
in shining armor.
Love is unspeakable and love is strong like the mountain,
but mine is neither.
"I love you, you say", but it's too late to

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Children!! Awww.

Once when I was little, I read this book titled, I am Sam. I am not really sure what the exact title was but it was this book from the point of view of a little baby. The baby was just born and he was looking at his sister, mother, and father. He kept mentioning the fact that he didn't know them but he would grow to love them and he knew this from the heart. The book was so sweet because I got to really understand what babies are thinking. I mean I was a baby once too but I don't remember anything. So, reading this book not only brought smiles to my face but also taught me lesson. I loved that book so much and I still do. There were many parts in the book where tears were also welding from my face. Sam mentioned the fact that we are not here for a long time and we should constantly remind our parents that we love them and we care for them. Even as a baby, Sam mentioned the fact that he too had a responsibility. This is funny; his responsibility was to bring joy to his mother's face no matter what it meant! You know like diaper changing or waking up in the middle of the night. My mother always said that when I was a baby I would never wake her up in the morning and she wanted to experience that once but she never did.
If you have younger siblings or younger family members, you should really recommend this book. It's so cute and it will bring tears of joy and smiles to their faces.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Family lessons

Some body once said, "life is a garden, dig it". You know as much as I agree with that quotation, I can't help but wonder what life really is. Now, I know it is impossible to answer this question but I think that life is about getting back up on the horse no matter what happens. Your life and opinions are yours and no body can take that away from you. I hate hate having to hear somebody convince you of something you don't want to believe in. You have your own thoughts and if people start to persuade you to do something, then they are just molding you into a robot.
You have to understand that we, human beings are special in a very unique way. Each of us have talents that we are proud of, some more than others. However, we are raised to have to think for ourselves when we are an adult. My mother always said, you are the mirror. Whatever somebody tells you, it will reflect who they are not what they think of you. What I am trying to say is that our world is made up of people who have thoughts for themselves. Nobody is the same. Nobody thinks the same as others. This is what makes us unique. We are not raised to listen to other people and do as they say. So why would you try to expostulate others opinions. It's theirs and they have something to say about a specific issue. If somebody were to express their opinions and you felt as if it was provincial, would you attack them? You know, I certainly would but it makes me look like a coward. Like I am the ruler and if I say something, it should be done and heard. However, if you talk about the issue and simply ask the person what they meant and what they are trying to say, chaos will not arise. In fact, the only reason people get into fights is because they misunderstand their opponent. Words come out of us like water from a waterfall. Sometimes we can't control what we say.
Now, family is very similar to this dilemma. They try to brainwash their kids with comments that might hurt the child in the long run. However, I grew up to follow the Bible, not others opinions. I do as the Bible says and I forever will follow this route. Now, there are many of you out there who have a religion and follow this basic routine. I am not a robot and I believe that people are not my "God". I believe in the greater good and his way matters more to me. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My first blog

Every time I read a book or watch a movie, I can't help but put myself in the characters shoes no matter what their condition may be. I always ask myself what it would be like if I was in her body but had my own opinions. You know like taking the appearance of the character but not her thoughts or actions. I wanted to be able to change the situation she was in and make it better. For example, when I was watching My So-Called Life I kept thinking to myself why Angela did not act like a strong human being. Why did she let people walk all over her? When she was sitting in English class, her English teacher asked her what she meant about Anne Frank being lucky. If I were Angela, I would tell the teacher that Anne Frank was lucky enough to have her family by her side. It's true she lived in an attic but at least she had her family by her side. I would not be afraid to share my thought about the sudden outburst.