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“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Roy Croft

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A wise quote once read,

People say what's the point in liking someone who doesn't like you back and they are right, there is no point. But you can't help who you like, it's not up to you, your heart just kinda decides for you.
And there's no turning back once your heart makes up its mind. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Start again

Rachel Tran got me to start blogging again. I don't have much to say right now but I just wanted to write a post just to remind myself that I should start blogging.

On the upside, Rachel Tran and I are roomies! YAY! :D

Sunday, January 10, 2010


It hurts me to think that I have no future.
That my dreams are done.
That there is somebody whose dreams are remembered.

Why me?
Why must I be tortured?
Why must I be scarred?
Why must I be so depressed in life?

What have I done to deserve this?
Who have I sinned against?
Why am I being tortured?
Where did it all begin?
When will the pain proceed away from me?

Guess for now I'll just be mourning.
Because when you are in my shoes, you will never smile.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Every time I stare at the moon,
I see a sad girl.
Every time I stare out at the ocean,
I see a lost girl trying to find her way back home.
Every time I sit in my room,
I hear the cries of my own soul.
Every time I see a child in need,
I see my heart broken even more.
And every time I talk,
I hear the moans of a dying child.

What must one do when dreams are crashed in front of you?
What must one do when you see the one you love gone forever?
What must one do when nothing is going right?
When depression is at its all-time high
when nothing is going right
when you are not loved
when nobody cares for you.

What must I do when my life is in pain and agony
You can mend my broken heart no matter how much you try
but i will forever be scarred.
No matter what you try to do
I will open these wounds
I will tear up the shield
I will strip any means of protection

Call me selfish
call me annoying
call me reckless
call me crazy

But when nothing is going right
you will see me in the reflection of your mirror
and then you will say
I was right.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Sometimes, just sometimes, I think to myself the thoughts of depression, of suicide. I know it's ridiculous but I can't help myself especially with what is happening now. For years, I have been so confident in my grades and I had a strong bond with my teachers. This year, everything is so different. Different environments, extreme stress, and just plain different in my opinion. I feel like I was not ready to take on the challenge because no matter how much I try, no matter how much I put my best foot, it still is not enough.
For example, for my AP biology exam, I studied EVERYTHING the night before and I mean everything. All the notes, all the tests, all the lectures. I studied from 5-2 a.m. and woke up at 4:00 a.m. to study more; until 7:00 a.m. to be exact. Now let's calculate. That's exactly 12 hours. 12 hours!?!?!? NONSTOP. And for what grade? Yes, a C+. My grade went from a A- to a B+ and I am pretty sure how much more points are added, it will stay at a B+. And all my other classes. My grades decreased to A's or A-'s; right on the borderline. I have a strong disappointment in myself.
Each class, I feel like I am slipping no matter how much I focus on the material. For my favorite class in the entire world, ap biology, i am slipping bad and i understand the material but it's just not enough or not correct. I really don't know. With Apush, I study day and night, go through countless packets, listen to Castro day and nigh on my Ipod but it is just not enough. Every essay, every test, never increases a B. I don't understand. For english, I am losing my style in writing. I used to write so well; enunciation, style, and development. Everything was great in the past but then that one day I learned that I basically write NONSENSE. But I take the time to read my essays, to research. Guess 6 hours is not enough to write an essay.
The only class I am really confident is actually math. I started slipping in the middle of the semester but it all worked out as I built the grade from 82% to now 95%. It took time but I am proud. Just that class though.

I wonder what 2nd semester will be like. I am really really really unconfident in myself and I forever will be. However, I am going to try and try and try. But frankly, it is never enough. I am sorry for the people I have disappointed.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kessler response #3

Cultural Considerations

“The loveliest faces are to be seen by moonlight, when one sees half with the eye and half with the fancy.” Persian proverbs are among the only figures of speech in my ethnic group and even family. Every time I feel lethargic or hopeless, my mother pummels me with Persian proverbs meant to soothe the heart and brain. Living in Iran, one must memorize every proverb written because it so common in the language. It is not slang nor a figure of speech that is whipped or tormented throughout centuries. Proverbs are held dear to every Middle Easterner and it is the mother language that unifies us no matter what country we come from. They may seem hackneyed to the naked eye but proverbs have a tendency to appear in a conversation. My mother has not lived a day without expressing a new proverb or rekindling the old ones. One of her favorites is “whatever is in the heart will come up to the tongue” because it is kind of her way of saying think before you speak. Even to this day, my family depends on the elation and accuracy of the proverbs to guide them through their lives. This phenomena only applies to my culture because Persian proverbs are not taught in schools. They are passed down from generation to generation and only the pure Middle Easterner’s vein carries the blood of unification. Since the dawn of Mesopotamia, the people have been scattered all around the world. They say that the only way to coalesce them is to utter a Persian proverb!

I use Persian proverbs at home and at family gatherings but I can not seem to teach nor discuss them with my fellow peers outside of my culture. Sometimes, I hesitate to say a Persian proverb because it might offend somebody. When I first moved to the United States, I was not aware of the fact that people did not understand my language. In my sixth grade English class, my teacher had invited a motivational speaker to talk about a new program offered in only elementary schools called D.A.R.E. This program educated children about drugs and how they can lead to hazardous problems. He told us that we should confide in our teachers if we ever get involved in a situation that seems threatening or confusing. Haphazardly, I raised my pale and scrawny arm in the air. The gentleman called on me and I said, “If the teacher be corrupt, the world will be corrupt.” The students, the gentleman, and the teacher stared at me; but my teacher kindly changed the subject. After class, she called me to her desk and told me that she was very offended at the fact that I was calling her a “bad teacher.” It was not my intention to direct the focus on on her or anybody else in the class. My only remark was that teachers are the foundation of the society; they provide education, guidance, and a parent relationship with the student. When a teacher is unethical, students will not receive the proper education and counsel. It was not my forethought to attack her; I was simply trying to make a point regarding the importance of teachers in a student’s life. This incident taught me to not utter a Persian proverb in public again because people did not relate to them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The mysterious light

Calm and serene, it stands on the table waiting anxiously to be lit. Its soft body mesmerizes the dark night and waits to be cherished. It is the light of the day and the creator of possibilities. The supple sound from the crackle of the fire brightens the darkest hour and brings forth the hallelujah chorus. Crack, crack, crack, while the wind blows through it. Hot and mysterious, it holds a veil of truth behind its hind sparkle. The heat is a danger, causing the wax to trickle slowly down its body. Every touch leaves a mark and every light leaves an art. It reaches towards the stars; waiting relentlessly while its body melts away. Slowly but surely, it will die just like any other creature. No meaning, no happiness, just the fact that it is lit brings it one step closer to elimination. One blow from the wind tames the fire; a yellow and blue hue all mixed to form the perfect detonation. The flame vanishes away into the night and leaves behind a Genie's wish. Smoke leaves the premises and dissolves in the air, hoping to disperse throughout the room. Luckily, the air hugs the smoke like a child in its mother's arms and the candle is forever gone with the wind. The mysterious light will await its next adventure by night time.